Chesterfield Cigarettes Australia are waiting for you

Chesterfield Cigarettes claim to be one of the oldest tobacco brands in North America. The history of the manufactory from Chesterfield County, which was in Virginia, dates back to 1876. The first cigarettes of the famous brand were produced with the predominance of Virginia tobacco, but the recipe of the tobacco mixture was constantly changed, which led to the appearance of tobacco impurities “Burley” and “Oriental” in the filler.

Thick white smoke, rich taste with a long-lasting aftertaste, a memorable aroma have recommended the brand as a man style. Chesterfield Cigarettes several times changed its owner, which influenced the positioning of the brand. As a result, the company managed to take a leading position in the US market and even get first place in terms of sales.

In the early 20th century, Chesterfield was the most popular brand in the United States. Similar results the company-manufacturer managed to achieve and in 50-80 years. The success of the manufacturer was based on proper marketing: at different times cigarettes were advertised by popular musicians and film actors. Among the persons of the advertising company were the future US president Ronald Reagan, the cult actor James Dean, such famous personalities as Humphrey Bogart, Paul Breitner, Lucille Ball.

These cigarettes have all specific features to attract you and become your partner forever.

Today, Chesterfield is owned by the transnational corporation Philip Morris International and manufactured in North America and Europe. Buyers are available several options: classic strong Red, universal Blue, lightweight Bronze and with the minimum content of harmful substances Lights. You can buy original cigarettes online. Our prices and service will pleasantly surprise you! There is no reason to hesitate. And think twice! These cigarettes are waiting for you!