An excellent brand to let consumers buy cigarettes online

The Chesterfield cigarette brand belongs to the Philip Morris. These cigarettes are named after the county in Virginia. “Chester” was produced by the Drummond Tobacco since 1873 and is still available to buy cigarettes online.
After 1898, the company was acquired by the American Tobacco, and in 1911, after the company broke, the Chesterfield brand became the property of Liggett & Myers. At that time, the brand had tolerated several changes – and changed the mixture formula as well as the packaging and advertising concept.

With these steps, the sales volume of Chesterfield cigarettes grew. The brand was for a long time the most popular in America, the Americans were very satisfied. The mark was already known throughout the world as a perfect opportunity to buy cigarettes online.
But the flower head of the Chesterfield cigarette brand was the mid-twentieth century when celebrities like James Dime, Humphrey Bogart, Lucille Ball, legendary football coach Paul Bryant and many others participated in advertising campaigns. This was a campaign start that was finished with current possibility to buy cigarettes online.
For example, in 1948, cigarette advertising was promoted by future US President Ronald Reagan. This brand was referred to as a promoter of several television programs, baseball competitions.

In April 2008, a traditional Chesterfield Pack design was significantly changed: three pages of the pack revolve around an illustration of the brand’s history. Each color of the sidewall belongs to a specific flavor.
Also changing the names of cigarettes: Chesterfield filter cigarettes is changing to Chesterfield Classic Red; Chesterfield Lights Cigarettes is now called Chesterfield Classic Blue. The Chesterfield Ultra Lights cigarettes changed their name to Chesterfield Classic Bronze.

Advertising slogans to promote these cigarettes and let consumers buy cigarettes online are:

· Chesterfield. A fun to your taste

· Chesterfield. Aroma of America

· Enjoy cozy

· Fun, decent break