Buy cheap cigarettes while being in Burma

If you wish to buy cheap cigarettes, visit Burma. The Burmese do not need vapes and e-cigarettes; they are alien to the latest fashion trends in smoking. Snus, which is widespread in Scandinavia, replaces betel, and habitual cigarettes from packs are rolled-up cigarettes from flavored tobacco leaves.
On Inle Lake, there is one of these mini-plants, where they twist different sizes of cigarettes. Smoking mixture is a mix of ground tobacco leaves, growing in the north of Myanmar, small pieces of dry wood and various flavors: dried bananas, tamarind pulp, honey, badian, rice whiskey and others.

Filters for these cigarettes are made from the dried husks of corn cobs wrapped in a newspaper. They will really let you buy cheap cigarettes, won’t they?

Consider in steps the process of twisting cigarettes, which takes a few moments from the skilled workers of the cigarette shop. The main tool is a stick-roller with a piece of thick plastic film fixed on it. A woman takes tobacco and puts it on film, actively tamping into the hole under the roller with the help of a finished long filter.
As the main shell of a future cigarette, leaves of a tree growing in the vicinity of the lake are used.

Separating a sheet from a pack, they put it on a film under compacted tobacco, having also got one edge under the filter (in the photo the filter is hidden behind the hand of the girl). Then, with a stick and a quick twisting motion, the leaf is twisted into a tube, all the tobacco remains inside. The film with the film is put aside, and in the hands remains almost finished cigarette.
The edge of the leaf is smeared with adhesive. Then they roll the cigarette blank in their hands for a few seconds so that the edge of the leaf sticks to it.
It remains only to stick the ribbon so that the cigarette does not unwind exactly, cut off the tip from the side of the cigarette, and after a special spatula, cut the tobacco and the edges of the sheet so that the tobacco does not spill out.