Strong desire to smoke and buy cheap cigarettes online

Australian and American sociologists published the sensational results of a study of anti-smoking advertising. It turned out that the promotion of a healthy lifestyle has the opposite effect on the audience that is rather firm and stable with the idea to buy cheap cigarettes online. Social advertising only increases and consolidates interest in cigarettes. The findings of scientists are particularly interesting in the light of the fact that in the world one third of anti-tobacco propaganda is funded by major cigarette manufacturers.

“A cigarette is choking you!”- says one advertising stand, “Smoking is not fashionable” – convinces another, “Sale of cigarettes to teenagers is prohibited” – warns the third At the same time, narcologists and psychologists are confident in the inverse effectiveness of such propaganda.
This confidence is proved by the results of a study conducted by Australian and American scientists. After polling more than 100 thousand adolescents, the researchers concluded that the anti-tobacco rollers are not only unable to force people to quit smoking, but instead only aggravate this habit and desire to find and buy cheap cigarettes online. Domestic doctors completely agree with the conclusions of their foreign colleagues. As evidence, they cite data from the World Health Organization.

Today, over half of men and at least 25% of women can be attributed to heavy smokers in some countries. Among high school students and students, physicians counted 53% of young smokers and 40% of girls. Among students in vocational schools, 75% of boys and 64% of girls smoke. However, if we consider that not every young man who smokes and tries to buy cheap cigarettes online and especially not every girl indicates this in her questionnaire, this percentage is in reality much higher. The number of persons who buy cheap cigarettes online must be enormous.