The noblemen’s cigarettes online

These cigarettes are a standout amongst the most prominent cigarette mark around the world.
The name of these cigarettes came after the Russian club of privileged people Russian Noble Assembly, whose office was in the focal point of London at St. James. By the late nineteenth century, it was perceived in London as well as in restricted conciliatory circles all through the world.
Cigarettes Sobranie are one of the oldest brands of tobacco products, which managed to carry their traditions through the centuries. The first cigarettes of the Sobranie collection were made by hand in 1879, but soon the manufactory came to the industrial revolution.

It is interesting that Sobranie cigarettes are of English origin.
Initially, the cigarettes were positioned as elite. Particular attention was paid to the quality of the smoking mixture and the paper into which tobacco was wrapped. The product was sold packed in a pack of expensive cardboard with a gold-plated print, reminiscent of the emblem of the times of Tsarist Russia. Excellent quality and correct positioning of products managed to attract attention of the ruling courts of Russia, Britain, Romania and Greece. The Sobranie cigarettes have become an invariable attribute of the upper classes, part of the aristocratic image!

About a hundred years, the brand belonged to members of the family Redstone. Only in 1980, the eminent manufacturer gave way to the English conglomerate Gallaher Group, which was sold. Currently, the brand belongs to one of the leaders in the production of tobacco products Japan Tobacco. It is noteworthy that even after 100 years; cigarettes that are produced under the brand name Sobranie are still positioned as premium cigarettes online.
If you want to touch the centuries-old history of the Russian-English tobacco brand with a worldwide reputation, we recommend buying Sobranie cigarettes online, in our store. We offer only quality, certified original cigarettes online!